Ministry of Social Affairs and Commission VIII of the House Hand Over Social Assistance for the Central Java Region

Ministry of Social Affairs and Commission VIII of the House Hand Over Social Assistance for the Central Java Region
Writer :
OHH Dayasos
Editor :
Irwan Susanto
Translator :
Karlina Irsalyana

SURAKARTA (July 15, 2024) - Ministry of Social Affairs and Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) handed over social assistance for the Central Java Province with a total value of 6 trillion rupiah. It includes Family Hope Program (PKH), Social Empowerment Assistance of Basic Necessities Phase 1 to 4, Disaster Management Bufferstock, ATENSI Assistance in the form of business capital, and disability aids.

Entrepreneurial capital assistance in the form of a set of carts for selling angkringan, 2 sewing machines, a washing machine for a laundry business, equipment for selling ice, a grocery store, and 2 packages of massage business equipment for the blind were handed over to 10 beneficiaries to help people open businesses to increase their income and standard of living.

Abdul Wahid, head of Commission VIII team during a working visit to Central Java, appreciated Ministry of Social Affairs, Regional Government, PT Pos, and Himbara who had carried out social assistance distribution activities in a targeted and accountable manner. The House, especially Commission VIII, has the task of budget supervision, one of which is on work programs at Ministry of Social Affairs.

The working visit took place at Prof. Dr. Seharso Surakarta Integrated Center, also attended by representatives of the Central Java Provincial Social Service, Surakarta City Social Service, the Central Java Provincial National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB), and the representatives of PT. POS, and State-owned Bank Association (Himbara).

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