Pre-Preparation of Semester II Social Disaster Logistics Reports

  • Pre-Preparation of Semester II Social Disaster Logistics Reports
  • 16024181752807
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Photographer :
Direktorat PSKBS
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

TANGERANG (6 October 2020) - In order to increase the accountability and transparency of the Inventory and Asset Reports, both in Central Warehouses, Provincial and District / City Social Service Warehouses throughout Indonesia, the Directorate of Social Protection for Social Disaster Victims (PSKBS) carries out Pre Preparation of the 2020 Semester II Social Disaster Logistics Report in Tangerang City, Tuesday (6/10).

Representing the Director General of Social Security, Pepen Nazaruddin, Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Security, MO. Royani opened the event which was attended by 34 people from the Provincial Social Services throughout Indonesia. A total of 21 people attended physically, while the rest followed through connected virtual media.

Meanwhile, the Director of PSKBS, Sunarti, in his remarks, said that the purpose of carrying out this activity was to synchronize and compile data on supplies of the Central and Provincial and Regency / City Social Services.

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