Preparation of Simplification of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs Regulation Draft on Social Protection for Disaster Victims

  • Preparation of Simplification of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs Regulation Draft on Social Protection for Disaster Victims
  • 16038170369060
  • 16038170362382
  • 16038170362356
  • 16038170368913
  • 16038170366178
  • 16038170367736

Photographer :
Alif Mufida Ulya
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

BOGOR (26 October 2020) - Representing the Director General of Social Protection and Security (Linjamsos), Pepen Nazaruddin, Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security, M.O. Royani, opened Preparation of Phase II Social Protection and Security Legal Drafts concerning Preparation of Simplification of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs Regulation (Permensos) Draft on Social Protection for Disaster Victims in Bogor, Monday (26/10).

In his statement, he said that he would rearrange the regulations in the form of the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation (Permensos) in the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security by simplifying the original number of 13 Permensos to 3, namely simplification of Family Hope Program (PKH), Disaster Management and Government Rice Reserves (CBP) Permensos.

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