Soon, PKH Human Resources Will Have Technical Guidelines for Implementing the Independent Graduation

  • Soon, PKH Human Resources Will Have Technical Guidelines for Implementing the Independent Graduation
  • WhatsApp Image 2020-08-26 at 02.24.03 (3)
  • WhatsApp Image 2020-08-24 at 17.24.05
  • WhatsApp Image 2020-08-26 at 02.24.03 (4)
  • WhatsApp Image 2020-08-26 at 02.24.03
  • WhatsApp Image 2020-08-26 at 02.24.03 (2)
  • WhatsApp Image 2020-08-26 at 02.24.03 (1)

Photographer :
Idamana Banjiwo
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

BEKASI (24 August 2020) - To increase the number of Independent Graduation from the Family Hope Program (PKH), the Ministry of Social Affairs has compiled a Technical Guidebook that will serve as a guideline for every PKH HR. In addition to involving experts, the preparation of this Technical Guideline also involves a number of PKH facilitators who have successfully carried out independent Graduation activities beyond the specified target.

Later, this Technical Guidebook will contain the procedures and mechanisms for Independent Graduation, guidelines for handling complaints and resolving PKH membership problems, guidelines for preparing monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of Independent Graduation, and so on.

Opening this activity, the Director General of Social Protection and Security, Pepen Nazaruddin, saw the need for operational technical instructions in the implementation of Independent Graduation. This, he said, was not only to provide clearer directions for the implementation of Independent Graduation, but also to accelerate graduation independently.

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