Handling Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Affairs Collaborates with Muhammadiyah

  • Handling Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Affairs Collaborates with Muhammadiyah
  • WhatsApp Image 2024-05-02 at 10.45.14
  • WhatsApp Image 2024-05-02 at 10.45.13
  • WhatsApp Image 2024-05-02 at 10.45.14 (1)

Writer :
Humas Ditjen Rehabilitasi Sosial
Editor :
Laili Hariroh
Translator :
Dian Catur/Karlina Irsalyana

JAKARTA (May 1st, 2024) – The handling of Persons in Needs of Social Welfare Services (PPKS) needed a collaboration between the government and human resources in the society, one of them is Muhammadiyah community organization. To create an inclusive society for persons with disabilities, Ministry of Social Affairs played an important role in providing support to organize activities, not only providing assistance and facilities.

“Actualizing various policies supporting the quality of lives’ improvement through social rehabilitation programs, inclusive education, and economic empowerment. We try to make sure that every person has equal opportunities for participating actively in various aspects of living in a nation,” Secretary of Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation Salahuddin Yahya said in Halal Bihalal of Muhammadiyah’s disabled association in Muhammadiyah University’s Hall in Jakarta on KH Ahmad Dahlan Street, Ciputat on Saturday, April 4th.

The event can be a great inspiration for the effort of supporting, honoring, and fulfilling the rights of persons with disabilities in Indonesia. It also opens more doors for understanding and cooperation between elements of society. However, it helped erase the stigma and discrimination faced frequently by them.

"This moment is a step forward in the long journey towards Indonesia that is more inclusive for all its citizens. Let us continue to make efforts and appreciate efforts by presenting more similar activities that provide space for people with disabilities to gather and interact as well as strengthening sustainable cooperation networks and affirming support for respect for and fulfillment of disability rights for the sake of realizing a just society that promotes prosperity. social," he said.

Representing the Ministry of Social Affairs, Salahuddin Yahya symbolically handed over ATENSI assistance in the form of fulfilling the needs of a decent living, hearing aids, adaptive walking sticks, and wheelchairs in the halal bi-halal event for 1,000 disabled persons with total assistance worth IDR 92,792,000. The assistance was handed over to the Head of Social Welfare Development Council (MPKS) PP Muhammadiyah Jakarta through Handayani Center in Jakarta.

The Head of MPKS PP Muhammadiyah Haedar Nasir evaluated that having disabilities was not a life that someone wanted. Muhammadiyah should serve and give them room.

"We coordinate institutionally with various coaching programs through facilitating and resolving obstacles by accommodating them in Muhammadiyah schools, so that they become the best khairunnas anfauhun linnas - human beings who are beneficial to others," Haedar said.

"Chairman of Social Welfare Development Council (MPKS) of PP Muhammadiyah, Mariman Darto stated that people with disabilities are one of the things that Muhammadiyah handles and need collaboration with the government," he said.

According to regulations, at least two percent of people with disabilities can enter the world of work, so Muhammadiyah's internal response is to ensure that mosques and educational institutions become role models for dealing with people with disabilities.

“We have been present since 1923 by establishing an orphanage. Collaborating with the Ministry of Social Affairs regarding social security and rehabilitation, we also have social workers dedicated to helping the government," Darto said.

Apart from people with disabilities, collaborative data collection is carried out for fatherless, motherless, orphans (YAPI), and the elderly (elderly) as a strengthening of the orphanage model.

"The orphanage no longer serves those who live inside but rather those outside as a breakthrough from the Minister of Social Affairs. I think this is proof of the good relationship between the Ministry of Social Affairs and Muhammadiyah," Darto concluded.






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