The Director General of Poverty Handling Expects the 6T Principles to Increase in the Basic Food Program

  • The Director General of Poverty Handling Expects the 6T Principles to Increase in the Basic Food Program
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Photographer :
UHH Setditjen PFM
Editor :
Aryokta Ismawan
Translator :
Nia Annisa

BOGOR (21 April 2021) - The Director General of Poverty Handling, Asep Sasa Purnama, opened the Meeting for the Completion of the Minister of Social Affairs Draft Regulation on the Implementation of the Sembako Program.

The activity report was delivered by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Poverty Handling, Nurul Farijati. The Director General of Poverty Handling said that with the completion of this draft regulation, the  Sembako Program should be able to apply the 6T principles more optimally. "This regulation will be able to assist the distribution of the Sembako Program and the 6T principles will soon be implemented properly," added the Director General of Poverty Handling.

Present on the occasion were Minister Special Advisor on Foreign Institution Relations and Partnerships, Faozan Amar, Deputy Assistant of Social Assistance and Subsidies of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Herbin Manihuruk, Representatives of Bank Indonesia, Irsan Jusnadi, Representatives of National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K), Imelda, Representatives of the Ministry of Trade, Representatives of Legal Bureau, Representatives of the Inspectorate General, Representatives of the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security, and other officials in the Directorate General of Poverty Handling.
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