The Handover of Heirs Compensation for the Families of Flash Flood Victims in Malacca

  • The Handover of Heirs Compensation for the Families of Flash Flood Victims in Malacca
  • WhatsApp Image 2021-05-04 at 17.42.28
  • WhatsApp Image 2021-05-04 at 17.42.28
  • WhatsApp Image 2021-05-04 at 17.42.25 (1)
  • WhatsApp Image 2021-05-04 at 17.42.26 (1)
  • WhatsApp Image 2021-05-04 at 17.42.27
  • WhatsApp Image 2021-05-04 at 17.42.27 (1)
  • WhatsApp Image 2021-05-04 at 17.42.26

Photographer :
Alek Triyono (OHH Ditjen Linjamsos)
Editor :
David Myoga
Translator :
Karlina Irsalyana

MALAKA REGENCY, NTT (4 May 2021) - Director of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims (PSKBA), M. Safii Nasution, together with the Head of the NTT Provincial Social Service, Jamal Ahmad and the Head of the South Middle East Social Service, Nikson Nomleni, handed over the compensation to the heirs of flash floods victims that occurred in Malacca Regency, NTT Province, valued at 135 million rupiahs for 9 heirs, Tuesday (4/5).
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