The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs' DWP Advisor Distributes Basic Food in Legok

  • The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs' DWP Advisor Distributes Basic Food in Legok
  • grace 01102020-2
  • grace 01102020-7
  • grace 01102020-5
  • grace 01102020-4
  • grace 01102020-3
  • grace 01102020-1

Photographer :
Fajar Khoerul
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

TANGERANG (October 1, 2020) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs' DWP Advisor Grace Batubara along with the management symbolically handed over Social Assistance in the form of the Ministry of Social Services' Basic Food Packages for 4 sub-districts in Tangerang Regency at Al-Qomariyah Ponpes, Cirarab Village, Legok, Tangerang, Banten, Thursday morning (1/10).

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