The Process of Installing Supporting Facilities in a Multipurpose Evacuee Tent in Malunda

  • The Process of Installing Supporting Facilities in a Multipurpose Evacuee Tent in Malunda
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-01-20 at 07.30.38
  • 16430100633255
  • 16430100641681
  • 16430100705011
  • 16430100765377
  • 16430100887567

Photographer :
Alif Mufida Ulya (OHH Ditjen Linjamsos)
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

MAJENE (January 17, 2022) - From the results of the initial mapping and assessment of the Ministry of Social Affairs together with the Provincial Government of West Sulawesi and Majene Regency, it is known that the basic needs of the residents of Aholeang and Rui Hamlets, Mekkatta Village, Malunda District, Majene Regency, are the multipurpose tents, roll tents, mattresses, family kits, blankets, folding mattresses, basic necessities, school uniforms, electricity, to water for toilets.

The various aids were sent from the Makassar Regional Warehouse, the West Sulawesi Provincial Social Service Warehouse, the Majene Regency Social Service Warehouse and the "Nipotowe" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Intellectual Disabilities (BRSPDI) Palu. This division of tasks is intended so that the handling of the basic needs of survivors can be carried out in an integrated and comprehensive manner.

Furthermore, the tents were also equipped with logistical assistance and other evacuation facilities, such as the installation of wooden pallets, tarpaulins and mattresses as tent bases, to folding mattresses. The feasibility of the pallet has also been carefully considered to ensure that there is no rotten wood when stepped on.

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