BOGOR (October 3, 2019) - To achieve reliable archiving, the Bogor Institute of Agriculture Archive Management Forum (IPB) held the National Archives Bimtek in the Andi Hakim Nasoetion Auditorium, Dramaga Campus of IPB, starting 3-4 October 2019 with the theme "Planning and Assessment of Archivist Performance".

Followed by 294 participants from representatives of tertiary archivists, Ministries / Institutions, DPR / DPRD archivists, archives of governor's offices, BUMN / BUMD archivists, and archives of archives and library offices throughout Indonesia. Presenting expert archivists, including Zita Asih S as Director of Archives and Certification of the ANRI Institute, Setyo Edy Susanto as Chair of the IPB Archives Management Forum, won 1 National Model Archivist in 2017.

Inaugurated by the Rector of IPB, Dr. Arif Satria, begins with Zita Asih's first material entitled "Performance, Archivist Certification, and Archive Awareness", with several important things for archivists to know.

First, each Archivist must bring organizational improvement, by managing existing Archives as input material, so as to create sustainable organizational performance.

Secondly, the role of Archivists in the Archive of Conscious Order National Movement (GNSTA) which must be implemented by each Ministry / Institution with six things. These six things are contained in ANRI Head Regulation No. 7 of 2017, concerning the National Archive Conscious Conscious Movement (GNSTA).

a. Orderly Archives Policy, where archivists have the role of preparing archival policy designs based on archival laws and regulations, both dynamic and vital archive management.

b. Order Archival Organization, is regulating the organization of archives in its entirety, taking into account the availability of archiving units and the central archive active in the UKE II, which its formation must pay attention to the location of work units, workload and acceleration of public services.

c. Order archive HR, as an effort to realize orderly Archive HR, it is necessary to increase archive competence through training and technical guidance.

d. Orderly Infrastructure and Facilities, with orderly infrastructure and facilities will be able to realize the availability of an active archive center, record center and the availability of archiving facilities in the form of active records management and inactive records.

e. Ordering Archives Management, it becomes necessary to create a dynamic archive list, maintain the reporting and delivery of authentic copies of the archive, and every implementation of archival shrinkage must be in accordance with procedures.

f. Orderly Archiving Funding, in order to compile programs and budgets within the framework of the Archive Conscious Conscious National Movement.

Arranging archival programs concerning, record centers, archival shrinkage, maintained archive management, vital archive programs, fostering archives, archiving certification, archiving infrastructure and facilities, as well as internal archiving oversight.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Social Affairs sent a delegation consisting of the Head of the Ministry of Public Administration, the General Bureau as the main supervisor of the Ministry of Social work unit archivists represented by the Kasubag TU and accompanied by several young archivists, intermediate archivists, archives of the Public Relations Bureau supervisor and young archives of the Civil Service Organization Bureau.