BEKASI (February 8th, 2024) – The Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) held a strategic coordination meeting to develop outcomes, indicators, and outcome performance targets for regions in the context of implementing the Development Planning Technical Coordination Meeting (Rakortekrenbang) for 2024. This event took place at “Pangudi Luhur” Integrated Center (STPL) in Bekasi, on February 5th-7th, 2024.

This coordination meeting was an important forum for developing an effective regional development planning framework so that good synergy was produced, especially in the field of social welfare.

This forum involves various work units within MoSA and resource persons from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), intensively discussing and compiling outcomes, indicators, and outcome performance targets which would become the basis for preparing the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) for the field social.

The Acting Head of the Planning Bureau, Arif Rohman said that there were important aspects that must be considered in planning social development programs.

"There are 3 important aspects that must be fulfilled in planning social development programs, namely sustainability, community-based development, and capability approach. These three aspects will be the strength of the program that will be implemented," he said.

He also added that program planning should pay attention to the major national and regional issues being faced. "However, don't let plans that have been prepared and adapted from outside become too "western-centric" and eliminate existing local wisdom," he added.

The importance of this activity lies in efforts to improve the quality of regional development planning so that the social programs implemented could have a significant positive impact on society.

"I hope that through this forum, synergy and synchronization between MoSA's work units will emerge to determine priority outcomes in the social sector, along with indicators and outcome performance targets which can later be used as a reference by regions in preparing program plans," he concluded.

Rakortekrenbang was part of annual planning series activities, both in the central and regional governments. This activity was considered very important to establish synchronization of program plans and activities between the central government and regional governments as stated in the Regional Development Work Plan (RKPD) and Government Work Plan (RKP) for 2024, to support the achievement of national development targets and provide a positive impact on progress of social welfare throughout Indonesia.

Public Relations Bureau
Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs