JAKARTA (September 26, 2019) - In 2020, the Ministry of Social Affairs budget ceiling is set at Rp62.77 trillion, or an increase from 2019 of Rp58.96 trillion. From this budget ceiling, Rp.58.09 trillion or around 92.55 percent was allocated for spending on social assistance.

"Shopping for social assistance is spread across two national priority programs which are the tasks of the Ministry of Social Affairs, namely the Family Hope Program (PKH) social assistance and basic food aid cards," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Affairs Hartono Laras, when closing the 2020 Ministry of Social Affairs Program Planning and Budget Planning Coordination Meeting in Jakarta, Thursday (26 / 09/2019).

In his explanation, the Secretary General added, PKH social assistance was distributed to 10 million beneficiary families and basic food cards to 15.6 million families. "This is part of the Ministry of Social Affairs' efforts to reduce the stunting rate," said the Secretary General.

In PKH there are a number of Family Beneficiary (KPM) obligations to the health component. Among other things the obligation of pregnant women to have a pregnancy at a health facility at least four times during the pregnancy period, to give birth at a health care facility, and postpartum maternal health checks four times during 42 days after giving birth.

PKH Social Aid has an impact on the reduction of stunting cases or short stature toddlers to reach 27 percent in 2018. Procurement of Groceries Cards in 2020 is a development of the Food Aid.

"On this occasion, the regional government needs to get a comprehensive explanation of the two programs, and build the same commitment to reduce the stunting rate," said the Secretary General.

Furthermore, Hartono also stated, the large budget allocation indicated the mandate and greater responsibility carried by the Ministry of Social Affairs. "An increase in the budget also carries significant consequences.

"The increase in the budget must also be supported by improving the improvement of target data using single data, utilization of Information, Communications and Technology (ICT), and strengthening monitoring and evaluation of the distribution of social assistance," he said.

The cooperation and support of local governments are just as crucial. The division of authority and affairs of the Ministry of Social Affairs with Provincial and District / City Governments, in the context of the distribution of social assistance, is important to pay attention to Government Regulation Number 2 of 2018 concerning Minimum Service Standards (SPM).

This regulation has been followed up with the stipulation of technical regulations in the form of Minister of Social Affairs Regulation No. 9 of 2018 concerning Basic Technical Services Standards for Minimum Service Standards for Social Sector in Provincial and Regency / City areas.

Hartono emphasized, SPM in the Social Sector is the authority of the Regional Government, so we need seriousness to ensure that the services are carried out properly starting from the regional planning process (RPJMD and RKDP). "It should also be included in the Social Service Strategic Plan so that APBD support can be maximized for the achievement of Social SPM indicators," he said.

He reminded, currently the Social Sector SPM budgeting is gaining trust to get DAK allocation in 2020. For that reason, all stakeholders need to optimize their use to be effective and efficient.

"Thus, in the future we can propose the allocation of Non-Physical DAK, especially for the implementation of Verification and Validation of Social Welfare Data in Regencies / Cities," he said.

Therefore, said Hartono, the overall implementation of the budget both at central and regional levels must be accompanied by performance accountability, which is reflected in the achievement of key performance indicators and program benefits for the community so that it provides benefits in improving the level of social welfare of the community.

"This commitment must of course be built and maintained through meetings like this and coordination, both formal and informal, among all of us actors in the implementation of social welfare," he said.

Related to the participation of regional governments in assisting the implementation of the Ministry of Social tasks in the regions, deconcentration funds are routinely allocated. In addition to increasing the regional fiscal capacity in carrying out the tasks of implementing social welfare and improving public services in the region, the Ministry of Social Affairs conducts regional transfers through the Special Allocation Fund (DAK), 2020.

The DAK that has already received a budget allocation through the 2020 APBN is the DAK Physical in the social sector.

On this occasion the Head of the Planning Bureau Adhy Karyono emphasized the points of understanding that had been agreed upon by all the coordination meetings participants who emphasized the implementation of effective programs and budgets and accounting. "In this case, it is important to pay attention to strengthening communication, coordination, monitoring and evaluation continuously both by the center and the regions," said Adhy.

The Coordination Meeting among others agreed on the implementation of social welfare through the 2020 budget and regional sharing funds, which will pay attention to the implementation of the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that have been integrated in national planning documents in the framework of acceleration, financing and inclusion.