Social Assistance Comes to the Advanced and Prosperous Indonesia

  • Social Assistance Comes to the Advanced and Prosperous Indonesia
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Photographer :
Irwan Susanto
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Lingga Novianto; Karlina Irsalyana

SURABAYA (February 19th 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate of Poverty Handling for Region I held a socialization program for Poverty Handling for Region I in 2020. The activity entitled "Present Social Assistance for Advanced & Prosperous Indonesia" was attended by 192 participants consisting of Heads Social Services and Heads of Poverty Handling in provinces and districts / cities in Region I (Sumatra and West Java).


This activity aims to build understanding and the same steps for parties involved in the implementation of the Joint Business Group (KUBE) program, Social Rehabilitation of Unfit for Living Houses (RS-RTLH), and Environmental Infrastructure (Sarling) as conveyed by the Director of Poverty Handling Region I, A. M. Asnandar at a hotel in Surabaya (19/02).

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