ROKAN HULU (23 November 2023) - Kementerian Sosial menyalurkan sejumlah bantuan sosial (bansos) untuk Kabupaten Rokan Hulu, Provinsi Riau, Kamis (23/11). Bansos diserahkan bersama dengan anggota Komisi VIII DPR RI Dr. H. Achmad, M.Si.Bansos yang diserahkan berupa bantuan PKH, BPNT/Sembako, RST, ATEN...
GOWA (23 November 2023) – Kementerian Sosial bersama Komisi VIII DPR RI menyalurkan bantuan di Kabupaten Gowa Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan senilai 218 miliar dalam rangka kunjungan kerja spesifik yang dilaksanakan di Aula Kantor Sentra Gau Mabaji di Gowa. Kunjungan kerja tersebut dihadiri lan...
CIANJUR (22 November 2023) - Kementerian Sosial RI Melalui Sentra Terpadu Inten Soeweno bersama dengan Komisi VIII DPR RI memberikan sejumlah Bantuan Sosial kepada warga Kabupaten Cianjur. Sejalan dengan usulan Komisi VIII DPR RI selaku mitra kerja Kementerian Sosial, Komisi VIII hadir dan...
TULUNGAGUNG (22 November 2023) - Pelayanan terhadap Pemerlu Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Sosial (PPKS) tidak hanya menjadi tanggung jawab Kementerian Sosial, teapi juga semua pihak terkait termasuk pemerintah daerah, instansi dan lembaga peduli terhadap kemanusiaan.Kementerian Sosial berkolaborasi m...
MAGELANG (21 November 2023) - Kinerja Kementerian Sosial bersama Komisi VIII DPR RI dalam pengentasan kemiskinan dan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat di Indonesia terus digiatkan. Salah satunya melalui berbagai program yang dihadirkan Kementerian Sosial sebagai wujud implementasi kehadiran negar...
JAKARTA (19 November 2023) — Direktur Jenderal Rehabilitasi Sosial, Pepen Nazaruddin mewakili Menteri Sosial Tri Rismaharini didampingi Plt. Direktur Rehabilitasi Sosial Penyandang Disabilitas Ani Martina membuka acara Fun Walk bersama 1.000 Disabilitas pada Perayaan Hari Lions ...
SURABAYA (19 November 2023) - Tertib administrasi perlu dibudayakan dalam layanan terhadap Pemerlu Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Sosial (PPKS) yang dilakukan oleh Pendamping rehabilitasi sosial.Tugas pendamping rehabilitasi sosial sebagai Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) kesejahteraan sosial meliputi pekerj...
JAKARTA (November 16, 2023) – The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs and Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW) distributed aid to residents of South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta. Hidayat Nur Wahid said that the distribution of this aid shows that the ...
MAJALENGKA (November 16, 2023) - The Ministry of Social Affairs together with Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives handed over social assistance to residents of Majalengka Regency, West Java, which was carried out at the Al-Mizan Majalengka Islamic Boarding School.The total ass...
BANGKA BARAT REGENCY (November 14, 2023) – A total of 58 Social Welfare Service for Persons in Need (PPKS) received Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) from the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of Mulya Jaya Center in Jakarta.Among the 58 recipients, 51 are people with disabilitie...
PASAMAN (November 10, 2023) – The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, through Handayani Center in Jakarta, is addressing cases of child abuse in Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra, by providing aid to the victims and their families.The Head of Handayani Center, Romal Sinaga, instructed that the aid be...
BANDUNG (November 4, 2023) — The "Handayani" Center is currently developing its Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). For four days, beginning November 1, 2023, this work has focused on SOP for the children’s group, the disability group, and the Atensi Creative Center (SKA) group which took place at ...
Kupang (November 1st, 2023) – Efata Center in Kupang holds a discussion on children's sexual harassment and abuse, and the handling of the negative impacts towards the victim. The purpose of the focus group discussion is as a means of multi-party communication to organize the action to preve...
Jakarta (October 31st, 2023) – President Jokowi instructs Indonesia to be more optimistic in terms of public service quality, especially encouraged by digitalization through Electronic Based Government System (SPBE). On the Global Innovation Index (GII), Indonesia's position advances sharply,...
Garut (October 30th, 2023) – The Ministry of Social Affairs intensifies the handling and quick response towards Persons in Need of Social Welfare Services (PPKS) so that the social problems in Indonesia can be solved. Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini has a chance to meet the brother...
West Bandung (October 30th, 2023) – The people affected by the fire in Sarimukti Landfill receive Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) from Wyata Guna Center in Bandung on the Work Visit of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives of Republic Indonesia. No less than 400 people fr...
Sidoarjo (October 29th, 2023) – Minister of Social Affairs continues to encourage the beneficiaries of Nusantara Economic Heroes Program (PENA) to be brave in rebranding their products’ packaging. Apart from being easy on the eye, the rebranding also affects sales value and expands market share....
JAKARTA (October 25, 2023) – The "Handayani" Center in Jakarta welcomed a cooperative visit from the Deputy for Enforcement and Capacity Development of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) on Wednesday, October 25. The visit aimed to coordinate and align social rehabilitation programs in prep...
JAKARTA (25 Oktober 2023) — The Ministry of Social Affairs Command Center is now officially operating after it was inaugurated directly by the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, Tuesday, April 4, 2023, in the Hall of the Ministry of Social Affairs Office in Cawang Kencana Building. ...
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