JAKARTA, TUESDAY (6 September 2022) - Ministry of Social Affairs distributes Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) for Fuel Oil (BBM) as a social 'bearing' to Beneficiary Families (KPM) throughout Indonesia. This was conveyed by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Affairs Harry Hikmat when h...
BREBES, TUESDAY (06/09/2022) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini visited Muhammad Fiqri Al Baihaqi's house in Brebes, Central Java. This 11-year-old boy was diagnosed by a doctor as suffering from epilepsy and frequent seizures. By driving a car Surabaya, Social Minister went direct...
SURABAYA, MONDAY (05/09/2022) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini attended the ‘Selection of Human Resources (HR) for the Family Hope Program (PKH)’ throughout East Java. A total of 456 people attended the event which took place at the Convention Hall Surabaya. In her remarks, th...
SIDOARJO (4 September 2022) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini conveyed a request to President Joko Widodo for supporting to give maximum sanctions for perpetrators of sexual crimes against children as an effort to provide a deterrent effect. The Minister of Social Affairs remin...
BLITAR, SUNDAY (04/09/2022) - Weekend holidays may not a leisure day for Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini. Sunday afternoon (04/09), Minister of Social Affairs and her entourage went to Blitar to visit children who were victims of violence. This is her second visit after she met...
Diyakini efektif kurangi kemiskinan, legislator apresiasi program Rumah Sejahtera Terpadu BOGOR (3 September 2022) - Komisi VIII DPR RI menyatakan dapat memahami pagu anggaran Kementerian Sosial sebesarTA 2022 sebesar Rp78,179 triliun. Legislator juga mendukung kebijakan Kementeria...
JAKARTA (September 2nd, 2022) - "Starting September 1st, Government has distributed Bantuan Langsung Tunai Bahan Bakar Minyak (BLT BBM) or Direct Cash Assistance of Fuel Oil through the Ministry of Social Affairs with a total of 12.96 T," said Minister of Social Affairs Republic of Indonesia Tri...
JAYAPURA (September 1st, 2022) - The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, accompanied by Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, distributed the first phase of BBM Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT BBM) or Direct Cash Assistance for fuel oil to 20.6 million beneficiaries throug...
JAYAPURA (31 August 2022) - President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, accompanied by Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini and Minister of State-Owned Enterprises RI, Erick Tohir, inspected 76 units of Healthy Houses in Doyo Village, Waibu District, Sentani, Jayapura, Papua Prov...
BANDUNG (28 Agustus 2022) - Aktivitas masyarakat di sekitar Pasar Cicaheum, Kota Bandung tampak lebih ramai dari biasanya. Masyarakat berkumpul di beberapa sudut di dalam dan di luar pasar.Sejak pagi, mereka telah bersiap menunggu kedatangan Presiden Joko Widodo yang akan hadir menemui masyarak...
MAKASSAR (August 27, 2022) – Rainbow comes after the rain. This quote seems felicitous to describe Edison Elieser Paparo's life, a man from Yapen Island Papua. Being at the lowest point of his life had made him fall into depression and almost lost hope for a better future. At the time, Edi was...
CIANJUR (26 Agustus 2022) - Kementerian Sosial mendirikan lumbung sosial di kawasan rawan bencana. Dengan lumbung sosial, diharapkan dampak bencana tidak menutup akses masyarakat terhadap bahan persediaan kebutuhan hidup.Atas arahan Menteri Sosial Tri Rismaharini, Kemensos telah mendirikan lumbung s...
JAKARTA (August 25, 2022) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini visited Almahyra Khawla Rachman (11 months), a girl has a bile duct blockage and is indicated to suffer from biliary atresia (liver damage). Almahyra and her mother, Fadya Arrahmahwati (26) occupy a halfway house in the C...
SIDOARJO (23 Agustus 2022) – Atap tenda merah putih tak kuasa menahan sinar matahari. Hawa panas membuat keringat mengucur dari dahi Eko Yuli. Sesekali tangannya mengusap keringat yang menetes satu-satu.Di sebelahnya, duduk putrinya, Riska Ardita Putri (17) yang menderita cereb...
SURABAYA (21 Agustus 2022) - Presiden Joko Widodo didampingi Ibu Iriana Joko Widodo melakukan kunjungan ke Pasar Pucang Anom, Gubeng, Surabaya, Minggu (21/8). Dalam kunjungannya, Presiden menyalurkan bantuan Kemasyarakatan untuk Modal Usaha, PKH, Program Sembako/BPNT, ATENSI dan Program Kewirausahaa...
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