TEMANGGUNG (October 10th, 2019) - "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Physical Disabilities (BBRSPDF) Surakarta as a Pilot Project held outreach activities again for Family-Based Social Rehabilitation (RSBK) in Parakan District, Temanggung Regency, Central Jav...
BEKASI (October 11th, 2019) - Social Workers of “Melati” Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Deaf and Speech Disabilities (BRSPDSRW) Jakarta carried out a case response to alumni of beneficiary "Melati" BRSPDSRW who worked at PT. Omron Manufacturing of Indonesia (Omron). In the rep...
KUPANG (11 October 2019) - Located at "Naibonat" Social Rehabilitation Center for Children who Needs Special Protection (BRSAMPK) Kupang, the Service Performance Improvement activity was carried out by Hasbullah, Inspector of Social Rehabilitation and Sunarto, Head of the Financial Section of t...
MEDAN (11 October 2019) - Education about Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (HIV / AIDS) can contribute to restrain the speed of the HIV / AIDS epidemic in Indonesia. In connection with education to people living with HIV or people living with HIV / AIDS (PL...
BOGOR (October 9th, 2019) - Director General of Social Rehabilitation Edi Suharto opened as well as giving direction in the Budgeting and Synchronizing the Social Rehabilitation Program for Persons with Disabilities activities and Special Allocation Fund Socialization in fiscal year 2020 at...
BEKASI (October 9th, 2019) - One of the policies of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation (PROGRES 5.0 New Platform) is the Child Social Rehabilitation Program (PROGRESA) with the target toddler under five years old who does not get proper care, live in improper environment, does not...
PURWOKERTO (October 9th, 2019) - “Satria” Social Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Drug Abuse (BRSKPN), Baturraden participated in the Anticipating the Circulation and Use of Drugs among Students Program organized by Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI), Purwokerto. The program which was package...
JAKARTA (September 8, 2019) - "Handayani" Child Social Rehabilitation Center that Needs Special Protection (BRSAMPK) Jakartar received a visit from the Head of the Netherlands Coordinator for Security and Counter-Terrorism (NCTV), Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg, along with the NCTV delegation. The age...
SUNGAI PENUH (October 8th, 2019) - Head of “Alyatama” Child Social Rehabilitation Center that Needs Special Protection (BRSAMPK) Jambi Imron Rosadi fulfilled the invitation of the Jambi Governor in commemoration of 2019 Jambi National Children's Day at Merdeka Square, Sungai Penuh City. The ser...
SURAKARTA (October 7th, 2019) - “Prof. Dr. Soeharso” Center for Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Physical Disabilities (BBRSPDF) Surakarta was challenged to turn rehabilitation center into a Center of Excellence. This was stated by Heri Kris Sritanto in a socialization on October 7, 20...
TEMANGGUNG (October 8th, 2019) - "Abiyoso" Indonesian Braille Literacy Center (BLBI) Cimahi in "Penganthi" Sensory Disability Social Service Orphanage (PPSDSN) Temanggung. The militancy of the "Abiyoso" BLBI activities in all regions of Indonesia in fulfilling the equal rights for PDSN in o...
CIMAHI (October 8th, 2019) – Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Edi Suharto visited "Abiyoso" Center of Braille Literacy (BLBI) to provide reinforcement to the Head and Structural Board of Echelon IV at the "Abiyoso" BLBI Cimahi.Edi said that, "Abiyoso" BLBI as the only institution within th...
KUPANG (October 8, 2019) - Located in the Tarus Village office in Central Kupang District, "Naibonat" BRSAMPK Kupang held a Child Capacity Building Meeting. This activity was opened by the Head of Administrative Sub-Division of BRSAMPK Pasfikus Kopong Beda.This activity aims to improve the parentin...
CIANJUR (8 October 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center (BRS) of Watunas "Mulya Jaya" Jakarta has returned three beneficiaries (PP) to their families. Collaborating with Social Welfare Workers of Cipanas District, Cianjur Regency sent back the Victims of Violence to their families.Accordin...
MANADO (October 8th, 2019) - Enthusiasm of "Tumou Tou" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Blind Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) PD Joining Sports Recreation"Tumou Tou" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Blind Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) Manado organizes recreatio...
MANADO (October 8th, 2019) - "Tumou Tou" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Blind Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) Manado conducts eye health checks for service recipient of People with Blind Sensory Disabilities (PDSN). This health examination took place in the "Tumou Tou" BRSPDSN Poly...
TERNATE (October 9th, 2019) - In collaboration with the Ternate Health Office, "Wasana Bahagia" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with HIV and Aids (BRSODH) Ternate provides health services for the Persons who Need Social Welfare Services (PPKS) of PLWHA Time Bound Shelter. Health se...
TABANAN (October 9th, 2019) - A total of 20 participants took part in the Entrepreneurship Development activity that was held by "Mahatmiya" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Blind Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) Bali with competent speakers from BRI Bank and Bali Tangi Spa, located a...
MINAHASA RAYA (October 9th, 2019) - A happy hue radiated from the face of Sweny Tumundo, one of the Persons with Blind Sensory Disabilities (PDSN) who received aids from the "Tumou Tou" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Blind Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) in Manado. Sweny express...
KUPANG (October 9th, 2019) - "Naibonat” Child Social Rehabilitation Center that Needs Special Protection (BRSAMPK) Kupang held capacity development for rehabilitation center officers in assisting Children with HIV AIDS (ADHA). The Head of "Naibonat" BRSAMPK Pasfikus Kopong Beda said that t...
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