YOGYAKARTA (September 26th, 2019) - Karang Taruna as an agent of change and the one who has a strategic roles in society should be supported by all of the stakeholders, especially from local government, business sector, and society. In Bulan Bhakti Karang Taruna, General Director of Social Empowerme...
BANDUNG (September 26th, 2019) - Directorate of Remote Indigenous Community (Komunitas Adat Terpencil (KAT)) Ministry of Social Affairs held a Techincal Guidance of Home Industry Skill for citizen of KAT in order to improve their skills.The participants are the citizens of secluded custom community ...
JAKARTA (September 21, 2019) - A week ago, the 3rd President of Indonesia, BJ Habibie, was buried in the Main National Heroes Cemetery (TMPNU) in Kalibata and the tomb of BJ Habibie located on block M 120 which is next to the grave of his beloved wife Ainun Habibie. The Ministry of Social Affair...
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